Monday, January 31, 2011

Blogging for Dummies

The third and final year of studying is now upon me, with many expectations and hurdles ahead.  We were asked to start a blog. A blog?! Well, after much debate with myself, I decided to face the challenge and finally, I have a blog!

However, I am the worst person when it comes to making decisions, so designing a blog was an absolute nightmare. What colour do I use, what font do I use, and many more "whats"! The only thing I was certain of was the name, and that it would be about fashion.... Obviously.  And... of course, that I can ramble on for hours about nonsense!

So welcome to my blog, Threads, which is all about the daily life of a fashion student, me...

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogging world. It's addictive ;)
    x j
